Manufacturing Exhibition 2015
The 26th International Manufacturing Machinery, Equipment, Materials, and Services Exhibition.
Safety Shoe Care
Keeping the area dry reply Keep safety shoes dry any elbow room temperature since the middle of the base ingredients are made of leather. The skin will be lighter mushrooms if you put in a humid room, if safety shoes have mushroomed may soon collapse. Stored at the center has the intention that the rubber […]
Perawatan Sepatu Safety
Simpanlah di area yg kering Simpanlah sepatu safety terhadap ruangan yg kering pun suhu tengah lantaran bahan dasarnya terbuat dari kulit. Kulit akan enteng menjamur jika di taruh di ruang lembab, jikalau sepatu safety telah menjamur menjadi dapat langsung jebol. Disimpan disuhu tengah memiliki maksud supaya bahan karet di sektor bawah sepatu safety tidak serentak […]
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